
Second level of implementing clean architecture

Clean architecture is a term that was coined by Uncle Bob Martin which describe the way we should write our software, as I know, in clean architecture we need to break our software into two parts, core business logic and the framework/infrastructure, our software needs to have obvious API of the business core and also we need to abstract how the infrastructure interact with our business core. Some of the purposes of Clean Architecture are making the business core become obvious, decouple them from the input and the output, and can easily test our business core easily because we can test them in isolation, thus make us confident with our code. But, in implementation, if we implement this in a strict mode, this can slow down the development time, especially if our application is small. This can be solved by using an implementation that is looser. I call this second level, while the first level is implementing in a strict mode. In strict mode, not only we need to make the core business AP
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